Dr Michel Chauliac is a medical specialist in Public Health and nutrition. He also holds a Master degree in economics in developing countries. His expertise covers, among others, epidemiology, physical activity, nutrition and obesity. Dr Chauliac joined the Ministry of Health as of 2000. He was one of the designers of the 1st French National Nutrition and Health Programme. As project leader on Nutrition, Dr Chauliac was instrumental to shape the French nutrition policies over the last 15 years. More recently, he was actively involved in the French experiment that tested, in real life setting, several nutritional logos in cooperation with food industry and retailers that led to the implementation in France of the Nutriscore®. He participated in various national, European and international initiatives pertaining to nutrition. At the European level, Dr Chauliac is the French representative at the High level group on Nutrition and Physical activity at the European Commission. He was the technical coordinator of the Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical activity (2015-2017) involving 25 European countries. He significantly contributed to shape the French position on the Council conclusions on nutrition adopted over the last 15 years . At International level, Dr Chauliac serves as expert on Nutrition in various settings such as WHO Europe, UNICEF, FAO or OECD. He worked for 18 years on international nutrition in Africa, Latin America, South Easat Asia and Eastern Europe the International Children Center. During these years he worked closely with UNICEF, WHO and FAO. |