16 e 17 de Maio | Centro Congressos de Lisboa
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Marsha Sharp
Marsha Sharp Marsha Sharp is Secretary of the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations.
Marsha Sharp is the Chief Executive Officer of Dietitians of Canada. She is a founding member of the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research (1991), and continues to serve on its Board of Directors. Together, Dietitians of Canada and the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research lead and support dietitians to promote health and well being through expertise in food and nutrition. As CEO and in her own right, Marsha Sharp sits on numerous Boards and committees of national organizations in Canada.
Marsha Sharp represented Dietitians of Canada on the International Committee of Dietetic Associations from 1988, and during that time established the first Secretariat for ICDA and chaired the Mission 2000 Task Force that proposed the first Bylaw and the Mission for ICDA. Marsha is currently serving on the ICDA Board of Directors as the Representative of Dietitians of Canada and as the official link to the ICDA Secretariat.
Ongoing commitment to ICDA has been demonstrated through leadership from Dietitians of Canada for development of this web site, as co-host the XIV International Congress of Dietetics in 2004, provision of the Secretariat since 1992 and guidance on the incorporation of ICDA in Canada in 2006.
Marsha Sharp is a registered dietitian in Canada. After completing a baccalaureate degree in nutrition and dietetics and a Masters of Science in Nutrition, she began her practice as a clinical dietitian and then as a Manager of Clinical Nutrition at a medical centre in Canada.

XII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação, Todos os Direitos Reservados Desenvolvido por: Portugal Interactivo