16 e 17 de Maio | Centro Congressos de Lisboa
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Anne de Looy
Anne de Looy Anne was the first ever Professor of Dietetics in the U.K. She became Head of Programmes in Dietetics at the University of Plymouth in 2004 and the Head of School of Health Professions 2005-10. In 2005 Anne was made an Honorary Fellow of the British Dietetic Association and in 2012 a Founding Fellow of the Association for Nutrition (AfN). Anne has chaired multiprofessional groups of Allied Health Professionals for the Scottish Executive, the British Dietetic Association, the Nutrition Society, Association for Nutrition (where she was Honorary Secretary), the British Nutrition Foundation (formerly Chairman of the Board of Trustees) and is a partner with the Health Professions Council (HPC). Her research interest is the role of carbohydrate in controlling appetite especially in energy reduced diets and the professionalization of dietetics.
Anne is currently the President of European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians and the Network Coordinator of the second EU funded Thematic Network for Dietitians (DIETS). This network links over 100 Partner institutions together across 31 countries in Europe. She also represents dietitians as a member of a number of other European Committees Anne has a keen interest in the European Health Professions agenda.

XII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação, Todos os Direitos Reservados Desenvolvido por: Portugal Interactivo